Thursday, December 29, 2011

December: Memories & Overdue Thanks

I cannot believe how quickly this year has passed.  I remember New Year's Eve like it was a week ago.  I remember what I wanted, where I was going and what I was becoming.  It's interesting how things change, isn't it?  Not necessarily fast or slow all the time, neither good nor bad, just the normal life.  I am grateful for this year.  2011 has been the most educational year of my life thus far!  I have learned much about myself, my desires for my future (husband, family, career, education, etc.), about music, love, heartache, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, true Charity, forgiveness, the list goes on and on...

I have many people to thank for these much-needed life lessons I received in 2011.  They are listed in no particular order, just as they come to mind...  Please don't be offended if you're not listed.  There has been MUCH to be grateful for this year therefore, unfortunately, I haven't the memory to dictate it all.

  • My Heavenly Father: For teaching me the most perfect way to love.  My Big Daddy...  For wanting me now and always, exactly as I am, but helping me become who You need me to be. 
  • My Savior, Jesus Christ:  For being my Mediator, my Advocate to the Father, my Brother and at times, my one and only source of peace.  For loving me first and foremost so I could come to love You.  Not perfectly, but I'm trying.
  • The Comforter:  For being a faithful Companion in times when despair threatened to crush all faith and hope from my Soul.  For conveying the messages, love, peace and HOPE that I have so desperately needed.
  • Alma the Younger:  For testifying and preaching in that little book...  All the time and effort you took to journal was not in vain.  It was for me.  I cannot wait for the day that I can meet you and thank you face-to-face for your choice words that have strengthened me.
  •  My ceaselessly loving parents:  Simply, for loving me.  For calling me, texting me, emailing me, Supporting me in all of my decisions, and helping me figure out why I was making them.  For carrying me through times when decisions made were not mine...  For praying for me.  For Father's Blessings, for a sympathetic shoulder to cry on at 2:00 in the morning.  For how-to's on my car, my recipes and countless other things.  For being my parents.  I love you, always and forever.  
  • The Babcock Family:  For being there when I needed family to run to.  For endless knowledge to my silly inquiries.  For being so ready and willing to welcome me into your home, even though I was an absolutely horrid house-guest.  For showing me why it is so important to read Scriptures and pray as a family.  For loving and accepting me as one of your own...  I love you, always and forever.
  • The Greenwell Family:  For being imperfect!  :)  For being that family that feels so much like home, yet wonderfully get-away-esque.  For sending love, advice, comfort, acceptance and positivity through calls, texts, packages, letters, pictures and personal contact.  For acting silly with me, singing with me, crying with me, laughing with me and loving me constantly.  I love you, always and forever.
  • Sheesh and Merv:  For showing me that Charity is truly the Pure Love of Christ.  Without love of and for Him, you cannot profess to have Charity, but in possessing those qualities, you do not profess it.  You just do it.  For welcoming me so warmly into your wonderful family, whom I love.  For wisdom, patience, laughter, good food and real enjoyment of life.  I will never be able to say thanks enough...  I hope to pay it forward.  I love you, always and forever.
  • Nick Man and Nick Minoh:  You two made my year.  Seriously.  I have been truly and drastically blessed to know you both.  There are many things that I will never forget, for as long as I live, that are because of you -- my, now, intense obsession including but not limited to B.B. King, Simon & Garfunkel/Paul Simon, Tommy Emmanuel, James Taylor, Pat Metheny, John Denver, Eric Clapton, Ella Fitzgerald, Etta James, etc. etc. etc., my desire to not be "that" sister missionary (Ha!), a strong desire to know and love music as much as you both as well as teach and play it as proficiently, the list is almost endless.  I am grateful for your nearly perfect examples, your great love and friendship.  You are two of the greatest men I will ever know.  Thank you...
  • Starshley:  I learned so much living with you!  What great times we had, Ash!  I am grateful for your example, love and never-ending charity.  You're one of the good ones, sweetie.  I'm so proud of everything you're doing.  I love you! 
  • Sean Rathbone:  I am so glad that I met you in Bio and that coincidentally-or not...- we were in Institute together.  It was your friendship that got me through those difficult, lonely months, homie.  Seriously.  I don't know if you quite understand what a wonderful blessing you've been.  I'm sorry I haven't repaid that quite like I should have.  I owe you.  Maybe I'll come visit you in the M.I.  ;)
  • Shenay Aguilar:  Where would I be without you?  Happy?  Probably not.  I thank Heavenly Father that He placed you in my life, because without you, I would probably be depressed and alone all the time.  You are an huge, huge blessing.  I'm glad we get along...  Glad that we can sit in bed and laugh all night, talk about nerdy things, watch chick flicks, act like COMPLETE and TOTAL idiots and be so comfortable around each other.  You are the example I've needed.  Thanks for being there for me, girl...  TOO MANY!!! 
I feel as though this is becoming long-winded.  There are many more I should thank, publicly even, but will do so at another time.  I can't explain the joy I feel at the end of this year.  I can't explain the intense sadness at the end of this year.  Another one gone by, wasted time, regrets.  BUT I will do better in 2012!  God is so good, guys...  He knows you, I PROMISE!  He knows every fear, every doubt, every pain, every prayer.  Everything.  He knows everything.  And even better, He wants you to know Him!  Isn't that just neat?  He LOVES you.  YOU.  Yes.  Say some thanks to the Big Man Upstairs, guys.  We owe Him everything.

Thanks for putting up with this silly blog... 

I'll be seeing you!


  1. My Dear Alexandria,
    You are a precious soul and child of our Heavenly Father. I love you! Isn't it wonderful how lives can blend together for the good of all. You are such a loving and giving person, thank you for sharing your heart with me. You are a ray of sunshine.
    My mother used to say "Life at it's best ain't easy :)) That is so true, yet so worth while.
    Let's make it a wonderful 2012. Love you so much, Grandma B

    1. Grandma, my sweet and wonderful Grandma. I love you so much!! You are on my list of "MUST thank". I have so much I have to say to you and so much I would love to learn from you. Thanks for being exactly the way you are. I love you!

  2. I love you your amazing Hope all is going well lets get together soon!

    1. I love you too, girl... :) Things are alright. I hope you're doing wonderfully. I could do with some Ashley time! Let's do it.
